Levels/Age Rules/Styles
Solo - Duo/Trio - Team
Age until 7 Jahre - Mini Kids( MK)
Classical Ballet (B)
Modern/Show (MS)
Age until 12 Jahre - Kids (K)
Classical Ballet ( B)
Ballet Neoclassical/Fusion /Contemporary/ Modern/ Lyrical dance ( CM)
National-, Folk Dance; Character Dance, Historical Dance (NC)
Urban Dance - Hip Hop / Streetdance / Breakdance (U)
Open - Jazzdance/Show Dance/Disco/Musical/ Stage Dance (O)
Age until 18 Jahre - Teens (T)
Classical Ballet ( B)
Ballet Neoclassical/Fusion /Contemporary/ Modern/ Lyrical dance ( CM)
National-, Folk Dance; Character Dance, Historical Dance (NC)
Urban Dance - Hip Hop / Streetdance / Breakdance (U)
Open - Jazzdance/Show Dance/Disco/Musical/ Stage Dance (O)
Open Age (OA)
Classical Ballet ( B)
Ballet Neoclassical/Fusion /Contemporary/ Modern/ Lyrical dance ( CM)
National-, Folk Dance; Character Dance, Historical Dance (NC)
Urban Dance - Hip Hop / Streetdance / Breakdance (U)
Open - Jazzdance/Show Dance/Disco/Musical/ Stage Dance (O)
Mixed Age for Teams (OAG)
Classical Ballet ( B)
Ballet Neoclassical/Fusion /Contemporary/ Modern/ Lyrical dance ( CM)
National-, Folk Dance; Character Dance, Historical Dance (NC)
Urban Dance - Hip Hop / Streetdance / Breakdance (U)
Open - Jazzdance/Show Dance/Disco/Musical/ Stage Dance (O)
Partizipation Payment
(Participation fee includes all services and video materials.)
Solo - 40,00 Euro
Duo/Trio - 25,00 Euro the Dance + 25,00 € jé Performer
Group - 25,00 Euro the Dance + 15,00 € jé Performer
Example: Group of 5 dancers - dance €25.00 + 5 dancers €15.00 = €100.00